Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Ultimate Enkai!

Nishichu, my main school, threw the ultimate farewell enkai for me. I had no idea what to expect, but I didn't expect this. It was a super great night! It was full of laughing, singing, dancing, crying, speeches, food, beer, more beer, and more beer. And the highlight was of course dressing me up in a yukata! It was fun playing dress-up and everyone loved seeing me dressed was wild! It was a really great night with lots of teachers that I have come to think of as my family! They have all helped me in so many ways. I'm really really going to miss Nishichu! 'Miss' is an's just too overwhelming to try and put into words what so many of these people have meant to me, that unfortunately, all I'm left with are these meaningless expressions like 'miss' or 'thank you' when really I want to say so much more! I just don't know how in these kinds of situations.

My dinner table!

The crazy lady dinner table!

Whoa...I'm wearing a yukata!! Thanks Everyone!

The English Teachers

The strongest guys in town!!

Nishichu's previous VP!

Nishichu Teachers and Staff

Crying through my speech!

A good-bye message card from the teachers!

Going crazy at Karaoke!

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