After about a month of saying good-bye to individual classes, finally, on Friday I stood up in front of 450 students and teachers and gave my farewell speech. It was brutal. I got through the Japanese version without crying or getting choked up. Bu the English version choked me up. Even though the the English one meant nothing to the students, the words carried a lot of meaning for me. After my speech, the student council president and vice president came up on stage and she gave a speech in English. She thanked me for three years and wished me luck all in English. They gave me flowers and by that time my face was red and puffy with tears dripping off my face. I returned to my seat, the students sang the school song which I sobbed through and then I had to leave. The students parted and I had to walk through the sea of clapping students and teachers. There were several teachers waiting for me at the door and they patted me on the back and commented on my speech. The teachers ushered me out the door and the VP escorted me back to the teachers room. I collapsed in exhaustion until everyone returned from the closing ceremony almost one hour later.

Several hours later I ate my last staff room lunch. We all ordered bentos and ate together in the meeting room. I made chocolate chip cookies and brought chocolate as omiyage which was served for dessert.

I was hoping since it was my last day, I could escape early and hopefully without fanfare. But it wasn't to be. I was asked to meet with a student and her mother. This student doesn't come to school regularly so it was pretty special that she came to say good-bye to me. We chatted about her upcoming trip to Disneyland this summer.
After making my rounds at school and bidding 'see you' to the students AGAIN, I finally packed my bags and headed for the door. Teachers and students were summoned to congregate and wave me off. It sounds so romantic and like a scene out of a movie...but I guarantee you, it is not something I enjoy! It just inspires tears and it becomes impossible for me to do anything but mumble a quiet and somewhat pathetic 'see you' and 'thank you.'
I hate saying good-bye especially to teachers and students who have been so welcoming and wonderful the last three years!
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