She only started studying English recently, but she is light years ahead of my Japanese. Her primary method of study: movies, and especially any movies with Hayden Christenson. She loves Hollywood and she really LOVES Hayden. And I'm not exaggerating. Before her forced retirement due to cancer, she had pictures of him all over her desk. And she had a file of pictures that she used to rotate through in several picture frames on her desk. Note: in Japan teachers don't usually keep photos of anyone on their desk, so having a 20-something movie star's picture is a bit odd! And the other teachers all thought she was a bit odd. She does her own thing, she laughs out load, and she speaks her mind.
Since she started chemo again, I have visited her several times. She is still very very engergetic and full of life. She is fighting it all the way! Chemo hasn't toned her down at all. She is a tough lady! A few weekends ago, we met at a highway interchange to say good-bye. She presented me with two kimonos and an obi. We said our choked up 'see yous' and waved a teary good-bye from our cars.
I sincerely hope she beats her cancer and can escape her husband and come visit me in the US! She has never left Japan before! I miss our weekly conversations and laughing sessions!
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