I met Saki's momma at Autobacs, the local car/auto mechanic/oil change shop. I remember going there the first time and being totally nervous. It is one thing to do these kinds of chores in your own country, but it's another thing altogether when you are negotiating a new language and culture. But Saki's momma was so helpful and patient. She spoke slowly and clearly--a natural at communicating with someone who couldn't communicate in her native language. It's truly an art and many people fail at it!
Our customer/Autobacs service counter employee relationship continued for awhile before I ran into her outside of work. It turns out she is a bit of a party momma too! And we had a few wild nights at our favorite bar. It was during one of those wild drunken dance party nights that she showed me a picture of her daughter and told me she was a single mom. In a town this small, it wasn't too surprising that her daughter was one of my students, but until people point those things out, it's not obvious!

It wasn't long before Saki found me at school and asked if I knew her momma. Yes, of course I did, but I hoped she didn't know the WHOLE story! Anyway, because of that connection, she and I bonded at school and she was always reminding me that I knew her mom!

Last year JP and I ran into Saki and her Momma at Gosaro, a local ramen restaurant. We had dinner together and ever since we talked about doing it again. Last week, we did it again as a farewell party! Unfortunately, JP couldn't make it!

As people, we don't have a lot in common, but they both love learning and asking questions! That is what made the 2 hour dinner possible! Even, Saki, a 3rd grader with no previous exposure to foreigners had a ton of questions for me. And her pure curiosity drove the conversation most of the night. With some people these 'farewells' feel a bit contrived, a formality we all have to submit to. But dinner with Saki and her momma was honest and fun. I know it must be a struggle to get by as a single mom in Japan, so a dinner out was truly a gift. But they also gave me three years of friendship and patience. For that I'm thankful!

I gave Saki my address and requested a letter! I hope she writes to me!
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