Monday, July 23, 2007

The Last Post from Japan

The last month has been totally overwhelming and there is no way I can even begin to describe the wide range of emotions and experiences. So at the expense of sleep and packing, I've spent hours trying to post a little something about all the different good-byes/see-you/farewell parties for my own sanity. I know when I leave Japan and get some distance from the the last month, I'll begin to wonder what happened. It's been such a whirlwind with little sleep, lots of drinking of beer and caffeine, that it is hard to keep it all straight. These blogs aren't really meant for anyone but me...a reminder of my last month, but more importantly, a reminder of all the people who have played a very important role in my life, and my experiences in Japan. These people and so many more will never be forgotten!

And now, in 6 hours my computer will shut down for the last time in Japan. On Wednesday it will get on a plane bound for the UK and wait for me there. In the interim, I hope to continue blogging about my adventures, but it might be sporadic and sketchy at best. But don't give up...I'm out there somewhere! And I should at least have access to email every now and then!

But for now...this is it from Japan!

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