I met this family about two years ago. They had lived in Georgia for 5 years and both children had attended American schools. They older girl remembers a lot of English and is fairly fluent. The younger boy was too young to remember much English but because of his early exposure to it, he picks it up really fast. And his pronunciation is great!
For over two years, I met this family twice a month. It was always a challenge to think of something that would suit both their levels, but we played a lot of games and did a lot of fun activities like making cookies, making pizza, dying easter eggs, and going out for ice cream. After every class their mother would bring us tea or coffee and a snack. This was our informal English conversation time and we would all chat about their weekend plans, life in America, or they would answer my many questions about Japan. For our last lesson we made pizza, shiratama and their dad made a delicious seafood pasta. We all sat around their big kitchen table together and ate and talked about their memories of the US and dreamed of their next trip to the US, with a stop at my house of course. After dinner we exchanged gifts and then I gathered my things to leave. The family walked me to the door and as they stood their wishing me well and offering me a place to stay when I visit, I lost it. I hate that moment. I really do! I hate saying good-bye or even 'see you'! It's miserable! But it is also the culminating moment, the moment all their kindness and our memories together flash before me and it overwhelms me. And again I don't know how to express my gratitude or tell them just how important our time together has been! And I'm left with, "Thank you!"

I won't forget you, please visit me in the US, or wherever I am!
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