The last month has been totally overwhelming and there is no way I can even begin to describe the wide range of emotions and experiences. So at the expense of sleep and packing, I've spent hours trying to post a little something about all the different good-byes/see-you/farewell parties for my own sanity. I know when I leave Japan and get some distance from the the last month, I'll begin to wonder what happened. It's been such a whirlwind with little sleep, lots of drinking of beer and caffeine, that it is hard to keep it all straight. These blogs aren't really meant for anyone but me...a reminder of my last month, but more importantly, a reminder of all the people who have played a very important role in my life, and my experiences in Japan. These people and so many more will never be forgotten!
And now, in 6 hours my computer will shut down for the last time in Japan. On Wednesday it will get on a plane bound for the UK and wait for me there. In the interim, I hope to continue blogging about my adventures, but it might be sporadic and sketchy at best. But don't give up...I'm out there somewhere! And I should at least have access to email every now and then!
But for now...this is it from Japan!
Monday, July 23, 2007
The Last Party with Toyama Friends
This overnight party has been in the works for months. We've been talking and planning and thinking about how to say good-bye to our best friends of three years. So, we rented a traditional Japanese house in Nyuzen and set up camp for the night. Yuko, Mihoko and Chika took over the food and cooking responsibilities and we ate REALLY well! There was a lot of lounging, some drinking, watching old home movies, telling "I remember when" stories, co-ed onsening and late night talks. It was a great chill overnight party, a great way to spend time with friends before everyone goes in different directions. Most of us still have another opportunity to say good-bye. But there were a few final good-byes this morning. I wasn't involved in any, but I cried anyway. I hate seeing close friends part. Because it means we are all saying good-bye to a very important chapter of our lives. It means that our paths that have crossed for the last three years are about to fork and head in different directions. And none of us really know if our paths cross again--when or where? We all hope they will, but the reality is uncertain. It's always best to enjoy the moments we have together and not think too much about what may or may not happen in the future. Thanks everyone for making this overnight happen!! It was a great way to spend a chill night with close friends! Adding more memories to the last three years that won't soon be forgotten!
Ueda-sensei & Yui
Ueda-sensei, the school nurse, and I worked together for two years at Nyuzen Elementary school. Her desk was across from mine and because she enjoyed English we often had mini-eikaiwas! And she always brought me lots and lots of treats!! Unfortunately, she got moved to another school in April. I was so sad to see her go because I always enjoyed our conversations! So, for the first time since she left, we met for lunch. Her high school age daughter just returned from a year in the UK, so we met to talk about her year and catch-up. It was a fun lunch complete with good French food and presents! Ueda-sensei made me a little quilt, the size of place mat. But it is made from old kimonos and traditional style Japanese cloth. It is beautiful! I'm lucky to have had her company at school for as long as I did! Thank you!

Yui and I
The Last Adventure with Takae & Asuka's
Over the last three years Takae, Asuka and I have had lots of little adventures from going to Yatsuo and watching Owara dancing to taking the cable car up to the top of Tsugaike and going for a hike. Last weekend we drove to Kanazawa, because I hadn't been to the gardens or museum yet. They took me out to a delicious lunch and then we wandered around Kenrokuen and the Contemporary Museum of Art. It was fun to spend the day with them even though I was exhausted! We were expecting a typhoon, but luckily it was dry and mild all day. Thanks girls for including me on many adventures, it's been fun exploring Japan with you!! Where will we meet next?
I started teaching Yuuki-chan privately when I first arrived, when she was in 4th grade. She had already been studying English one-one for 2-3 years. Now she is in the 1st grade of JHS and was one of my students at school for one semester. Her family has taken very very good care of me over the last three years. They have feed me, paid me well, and even invited me to Christmas dinner the year I didn't go home. Yuuki and I have studied about 130 hours of English together in the last three years. I used to go to her house every Thursday after school for an hour. And once a month she would come to Colare and we would eat dinner together. We went swimming together once after she completed a writing practice book. And we had a Halloween party at my apartment in my 2nd year with the other two elementary school students I privately tutored. For our last lesson, she came over to my apartment and we made cookies. We exchanged presents and ate a lot of cookie dough.
Tonight her family took me out to dinner at Nyuzen's French restaurant--a very nice place! It was a little strange cause I've never sat with her entire family before--grandparents, parents and us. They threw a lot of questions at me in Japanese and I struggled through. And then Yuuki and I would take a break and I would try to talk to her in English about school or summer vacation. And she got to show off a little in front of her family. Next year she will finally be old enough for the Forest Grove Sister City exchange trip, but this year they just drew names out of a who knows what her chances are. I suggested she come and homestay with me next August. And so during dessert we talked about her getting a passport, getting to Narita and flying on her own. I asked her if she would be ok doing it on her own and she said, "YES, it's a challenge." Her mom and I were both shocked!!! This is coming from a girl who ducked and hid behind the car as three boys from her grade cycled by as we walked into the restaurant. It was exciting to see her get excited about it! So, we will see if it happens, but it would be great! She reminds me of me--kinda quiet, shy, self-conscious, but there is so much potential there. And with the right experiences, I think she will really blossom!
They drove me home and I hadn't really thought about the good-bye moment. I hugged her and we both started crying! I told her I would see her next year and she said "yes" through her tears! Let's hope so! At dinner her grandpa said that this dinner was my 'sayonara party.' And I corrected him, it is my 'mata ne party.' It's always see you next time...and I hope we can see each other again!
Tonight her family took me out to dinner at Nyuzen's French restaurant--a very nice place! It was a little strange cause I've never sat with her entire family before--grandparents, parents and us. They threw a lot of questions at me in Japanese and I struggled through. And then Yuuki and I would take a break and I would try to talk to her in English about school or summer vacation. And she got to show off a little in front of her family. Next year she will finally be old enough for the Forest Grove Sister City exchange trip, but this year they just drew names out of a who knows what her chances are. I suggested she come and homestay with me next August. And so during dessert we talked about her getting a passport, getting to Narita and flying on her own. I asked her if she would be ok doing it on her own and she said, "YES, it's a challenge." Her mom and I were both shocked!!! This is coming from a girl who ducked and hid behind the car as three boys from her grade cycled by as we walked into the restaurant. It was exciting to see her get excited about it! So, we will see if it happens, but it would be great! She reminds me of me--kinda quiet, shy, self-conscious, but there is so much potential there. And with the right experiences, I think she will really blossom!
They drove me home and I hadn't really thought about the good-bye moment. I hugged her and we both started crying! I told her I would see her next year and she said "yes" through her tears! Let's hope so! At dinner her grandpa said that this dinner was my 'sayonara party.' And I corrected him, it is my 'mata ne party.' It's always see you next time...and I hope we can see each other again!
Farewell Funami JHS
This is my smallest school, with less than 60 students in three grades. It is close the mountains and in a small little village that has been integrated into Nyuzen. In the end it worked out okay and I felt like left on a somewhat positive note. But I had my ups and downs at this school. There were a few classes I REALLY connected with and we had a great time together! But in the last year or two, that hasn't been the case. The students don't like English and since I only come twice a month, it is really hard to develop a routine with them or even get to know them much.
The week before my last day was the big Tanabata Festival in Funami. My schedule was rearranged so I could attend the marathon and festival with the students. I was an alternate runner this year and they didn't end up needing me which while a bit disappointing was a blessing!
My last day was long and overwhelming like all the others. I only taught two classes and then gave a speech in the gym. The school let me go home after my speech, but I came back at 6pm for a BBQ in the cooking classroom. Originally it was supposed to be at a park nearby, but the weather prevented that. It was a lot of fun and great food! And I was super impressed and honored that the teachers would go to tall that work for me considering I'm only a visiting teacher twice a month. It was a fun send off. At the end of the party, the VP gave a little speech and thanked me. And then everyone had to shake my hand...brutal!! I hate those little rituals. They kill me. I was crying through it all partly because I was so surprised that this school would do something for me. And partly because they are all great people and I will miss them!
The week before my last day was the big Tanabata Festival in Funami. My schedule was rearranged so I could attend the marathon and festival with the students. I was an alternate runner this year and they didn't end up needing me which while a bit disappointing was a blessing!
My last day was long and overwhelming like all the others. I only taught two classes and then gave a speech in the gym. The school let me go home after my speech, but I came back at 6pm for a BBQ in the cooking classroom. Originally it was supposed to be at a park nearby, but the weather prevented that. It was a lot of fun and great food! And I was super impressed and honored that the teachers would go to tall that work for me considering I'm only a visiting teacher twice a month. It was a fun send off. At the end of the party, the VP gave a little speech and thanked me. And then everyone had to shake my hand...brutal!! I hate those little rituals. They kill me. I was crying through it all partly because I was so surprised that this school would do something for me. And partly because they are all great people and I will miss them!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
See you next time Nyuzen Elementary
For three years I've taught 24 1st-6th grade classes at Nyuzen Elementary school, my 'inner city' school. I call it my 'inner city' school because it is only two blocks from the train station and the main post office is around the corner. Apparently there are a lot of kids from single-parent homes and there are more low-income families in this area. There are also more foreign kids! Exciting! I'm not sure if it is designated as an open school, but the classrooms don't have outer walls or doors. The teachers have offices near their classrooms so the official teachers room is usually empty and dark.
At the start of my second year a 6th grade tragically died while practicing for sports day. I was there that day and watching the school mourn and grieve was an emotionally draining cross-cultural experience, but a bonding one. I was closest to the school nurse at that school because she speaks English and loved mini-eikaiwas when I had time before or after classes. It was hard to watch her go through the loss of a student. Several Japanese people have told me that it is easier for them to express their true feelings in English because the English-speaking culture allows them to be more open and expressive. There is a very distinct cultural difference in communication styles between English and Japanese! I talked with the nurse about the death of the student and she told me about her favorite memories of the student. And I shared my most recent interactions with her. I think it helped both of us. She left the school this spring, and I only saw her again last week. She's another amazing woman and friend who always did super nice things for me. At Christmas time she made me fruit cake that she had been soaking in rum for 2-3 months! She would bring me cookies or cakes on my bday. She gave me chocolate on valentine's day. And for no reason at all she would bring me homemade jam or bread. I tried to reciprocate as much as possible, but it just wasn't possible to keep up with her generosity!
Like the other schools, I started saying good-bye to classes over a month ago. So it felt like the end was never ever going to come. And I think the kids started to think I was never going to leave. The last day was a long one. I showed up early for the speech to the teachers, then I had to give a speech to the study body. I made it through my speech fine, but as soon as the students came up and started giving speeches I lost it. My private student gave a speech in English and that's when the floodgates broke loose! And not just for me, but for him too! It was brutal. I was so proud of him for doing it in English, it just means that much more! And immediately after I taught 4 classes! During the morning and afternoon recess I sat on the stairs near the teachers room and signed hundreds of different objects...anything kids handed me. I signed books, notebooks, pencil cases, rules, plastic sheets, plastic toys, you name it!! And then they started requesting that I write messages on everything and they each had to be personalized!! These are demanding kids. But how can you say no to these kinds of requests? So I sat there for several hours signing away! My secret birthday buddy found me at one point during the day and gave me a card with a little gift. I wish I had something for her. But I didn't. It was really really sweet of her to remember and think of me. Kids are full of surprises!!
In the afternoon I sat down with the proposed 5th & 6th grade English 'curriculum' for next year! I was asked to edit it. It is atrocious! I won't go into it here...but seriously, why do Board of Educations think it is ok for non-English speakers to write an English curriculum. Would you ask a math teacher to write an social studies curriculum? Part of the problem with English education in Japan is that they aren't really taking it seriously! If they were, they would hire professional curriculum writers, like I assume they do for all other subjects! Anyway, I stayed almost an hour late on my last day just going through this atrocious amalgamation of lessons.
As I was packing up, there were a few pictures taken and then all the teachers walked me to the door and waved me out. I know it's a nice gesture, and maybe I would feel badly if they didn't do it, but I really dread walking away knowing that 20 people are watching me. And everyone knows it's the last time! And they are wishing you 'good luck' with your life! What does that really mean?? And what can one really say in that situation that would sound more sincere?
Lots of memories! Lots of stories! I'm going to miss these kids!

At the start of my second year a 6th grade tragically died while practicing for sports day. I was there that day and watching the school mourn and grieve was an emotionally draining cross-cultural experience, but a bonding one. I was closest to the school nurse at that school because she speaks English and loved mini-eikaiwas when I had time before or after classes. It was hard to watch her go through the loss of a student. Several Japanese people have told me that it is easier for them to express their true feelings in English because the English-speaking culture allows them to be more open and expressive. There is a very distinct cultural difference in communication styles between English and Japanese! I talked with the nurse about the death of the student and she told me about her favorite memories of the student. And I shared my most recent interactions with her. I think it helped both of us. She left the school this spring, and I only saw her again last week. She's another amazing woman and friend who always did super nice things for me. At Christmas time she made me fruit cake that she had been soaking in rum for 2-3 months! She would bring me cookies or cakes on my bday. She gave me chocolate on valentine's day. And for no reason at all she would bring me homemade jam or bread. I tried to reciprocate as much as possible, but it just wasn't possible to keep up with her generosity!
Like the other schools, I started saying good-bye to classes over a month ago. So it felt like the end was never ever going to come. And I think the kids started to think I was never going to leave. The last day was a long one. I showed up early for the speech to the teachers, then I had to give a speech to the study body. I made it through my speech fine, but as soon as the students came up and started giving speeches I lost it. My private student gave a speech in English and that's when the floodgates broke loose! And not just for me, but for him too! It was brutal. I was so proud of him for doing it in English, it just means that much more! And immediately after I taught 4 classes! During the morning and afternoon recess I sat on the stairs near the teachers room and signed hundreds of different objects...anything kids handed me. I signed books, notebooks, pencil cases, rules, plastic sheets, plastic toys, you name it!! And then they started requesting that I write messages on everything and they each had to be personalized!! These are demanding kids. But how can you say no to these kinds of requests? So I sat there for several hours signing away! My secret birthday buddy found me at one point during the day and gave me a card with a little gift. I wish I had something for her. But I didn't. It was really really sweet of her to remember and think of me. Kids are full of surprises!!
In the afternoon I sat down with the proposed 5th & 6th grade English 'curriculum' for next year! I was asked to edit it. It is atrocious! I won't go into it here...but seriously, why do Board of Educations think it is ok for non-English speakers to write an English curriculum. Would you ask a math teacher to write an social studies curriculum? Part of the problem with English education in Japan is that they aren't really taking it seriously! If they were, they would hire professional curriculum writers, like I assume they do for all other subjects! Anyway, I stayed almost an hour late on my last day just going through this atrocious amalgamation of lessons.
As I was packing up, there were a few pictures taken and then all the teachers walked me to the door and waved me out. I know it's a nice gesture, and maybe I would feel badly if they didn't do it, but I really dread walking away knowing that 20 people are watching me. And everyone knows it's the last time! And they are wishing you 'good luck' with your life! What does that really mean?? And what can one really say in that situation that would sound more sincere?
Lots of memories! Lots of stories! I'm going to miss these kids!

A final picture with some of the teachers!
elementary school,
see you
Thank you Iino Elementary!
I called this my 'country school.' The students have their own rice paddy, grow vegetables outside their classrooms and are usually much better behaved. The school requires the students to wear school uniforms. And there is no talking at lunch. It is much stricter than my other elementary school. This is the school where the star wars teacher used to work. So for almost three years I looked forward to going to work because I would be entertained by her conversation and stories. And she always made sure to give me extra school lunch...something the new teacher makes sure I don't get! Hmm?
The 2nd and 3rd graders were always my favorites. They knew me from the start and that seems to make a world of difference. I'll miss all those little ones! But Iino also had a few GREAT teachers that I really loved teaching with. The kind of teachers that inspired and motivated students just by walking into the classroom. It is impressive!
Iino was my first official school good-bye speech and my last school enkai! Two weeks ago I stood up in front of the student body and told a little story about a duck who got lost at sea and made new friends. And I compared myself to that duck. It's a book by Eric Carle called 10 Little Rubber Ducks. I'm not sure the students got the metaphor, but I hope they enjoy the book!
The school good-bye was dramatic of course. Students and teachers presented me with gifts each class made. After school we had coffee and cake in the staff room. Teachers who never talk to me outside lesson planning chatted me up! And we agreed to meet two weeks later for dinner!
Two weeks later after all the other good-byes and parties, I was thrilled to find out it would be at my favorite izikaya and was a small get together!! It was fun to see some of the teachers again in a more relaxed environment. I'm gonna miss this little country school with ostriches out back and a Guinness world record for jump roping!
The 2nd and 3rd graders were always my favorites. They knew me from the start and that seems to make a world of difference. I'll miss all those little ones! But Iino also had a few GREAT teachers that I really loved teaching with. The kind of teachers that inspired and motivated students just by walking into the classroom. It is impressive!
Iino was my first official school good-bye speech and my last school enkai! Two weeks ago I stood up in front of the student body and told a little story about a duck who got lost at sea and made new friends. And I compared myself to that duck. It's a book by Eric Carle called 10 Little Rubber Ducks. I'm not sure the students got the metaphor, but I hope they enjoy the book!
The school good-bye was dramatic of course. Students and teachers presented me with gifts each class made. After school we had coffee and cake in the staff room. Teachers who never talk to me outside lesson planning chatted me up! And we agreed to meet two weeks later for dinner!
Two weeks later after all the other good-byes and parties, I was thrilled to find out it would be at my favorite izikaya and was a small get together!! It was fun to see some of the teachers again in a more relaxed environment. I'm gonna miss this little country school with ostriches out back and a Guinness world record for jump roping!
elementary school,
see you
Saki & her Momma
I met Saki's momma at Autobacs, the local car/auto mechanic/oil change shop. I remember going there the first time and being totally nervous. It is one thing to do these kinds of chores in your own country, but it's another thing altogether when you are negotiating a new language and culture. But Saki's momma was so helpful and patient. She spoke slowly and clearly--a natural at communicating with someone who couldn't communicate in her native language. It's truly an art and many people fail at it!
Our customer/Autobacs service counter employee relationship continued for awhile before I ran into her outside of work. It turns out she is a bit of a party momma too! And we had a few wild nights at our favorite bar. It was during one of those wild drunken dance party nights that she showed me a picture of her daughter and told me she was a single mom. In a town this small, it wasn't too surprising that her daughter was one of my students, but until people point those things out, it's not obvious!
It wasn't long before Saki found me at school and asked if I knew her momma. Yes, of course I did, but I hoped she didn't know the WHOLE story! Anyway, because of that connection, she and I bonded at school and she was always reminding me that I knew her mom!
Last year JP and I ran into Saki and her Momma at Gosaro, a local ramen restaurant. We had dinner together and ever since we talked about doing it again. Last week, we did it again as a farewell party! Unfortunately, JP couldn't make it!
As people, we don't have a lot in common, but they both love learning and asking questions! That is what made the 2 hour dinner possible! Even, Saki, a 3rd grader with no previous exposure to foreigners had a ton of questions for me. And her pure curiosity drove the conversation most of the night. With some people these 'farewells' feel a bit contrived, a formality we all have to submit to. But dinner with Saki and her momma was honest and fun. I know it must be a struggle to get by as a single mom in Japan, so a dinner out was truly a gift. But they also gave me three years of friendship and patience. For that I'm thankful!

I gave Saki my address and requested a letter! I hope she writes to me!
Our customer/Autobacs service counter employee relationship continued for awhile before I ran into her outside of work. It turns out she is a bit of a party momma too! And we had a few wild nights at our favorite bar. It was during one of those wild drunken dance party nights that she showed me a picture of her daughter and told me she was a single mom. In a town this small, it wasn't too surprising that her daughter was one of my students, but until people point those things out, it's not obvious!

I gave Saki my address and requested a letter! I hope she writes to me!
Nishichu, I'll miss you!
After about a month of saying good-bye to individual classes, finally, on Friday I stood up in front of 450 students and teachers and gave my farewell speech. It was brutal. I got through the Japanese version without crying or getting choked up. Bu the English version choked me up. Even though the the English one meant nothing to the students, the words carried a lot of meaning for me. After my speech, the student council president and vice president came up on stage and she gave a speech in English. She thanked me for three years and wished me luck all in English. They gave me flowers and by that time my face was red and puffy with tears dripping off my face. I returned to my seat, the students sang the school song which I sobbed through and then I had to leave. The students parted and I had to walk through the sea of clapping students and teachers. There were several teachers waiting for me at the door and they patted me on the back and commented on my speech. The teachers ushered me out the door and the VP escorted me back to the teachers room. I collapsed in exhaustion until everyone returned from the closing ceremony almost one hour later.

Several hours later I ate my last staff room lunch. We all ordered bentos and ate together in the meeting room. I made chocolate chip cookies and brought chocolate as omiyage which was served for dessert.

I was hoping since it was my last day, I could escape early and hopefully without fanfare. But it wasn't to be. I was asked to meet with a student and her mother. This student doesn't come to school regularly so it was pretty special that she came to say good-bye to me. We chatted about her upcoming trip to Disneyland this summer.
After making my rounds at school and bidding 'see you' to the students AGAIN, I finally packed my bags and headed for the door. Teachers and students were summoned to congregate and wave me off. It sounds so romantic and like a scene out of a movie...but I guarantee you, it is not something I enjoy! It just inspires tears and it becomes impossible for me to do anything but mumble a quiet and somewhat pathetic 'see you' and 'thank you.'
I hate saying good-bye especially to teachers and students who have been so welcoming and wonderful the last three years!

Several hours later I ate my last staff room lunch. We all ordered bentos and ate together in the meeting room. I made chocolate chip cookies and brought chocolate as omiyage which was served for dessert.

I was hoping since it was my last day, I could escape early and hopefully without fanfare. But it wasn't to be. I was asked to meet with a student and her mother. This student doesn't come to school regularly so it was pretty special that she came to say good-bye to me. We chatted about her upcoming trip to Disneyland this summer.
After making my rounds at school and bidding 'see you' to the students AGAIN, I finally packed my bags and headed for the door. Teachers and students were summoned to congregate and wave me off. It sounds so romantic and like a scene out of a movie...but I guarantee you, it is not something I enjoy! It just inspires tears and it becomes impossible for me to do anything but mumble a quiet and somewhat pathetic 'see you' and 'thank you.'
I hate saying good-bye especially to teachers and students who have been so welcoming and wonderful the last three years!
junior high school,
see you
The Ultimate Enkai!
Nishichu, my main school, threw the ultimate farewell enkai for me. I had no idea what to expect, but I didn't expect this. It was a super great night! It was full of laughing, singing, dancing, crying, speeches, food, beer, more beer, and more beer. And the highlight was of course dressing me up in a yukata! It was fun playing dress-up and everyone loved seeing me dressed was wild! It was a really great night with lots of teachers that I have come to think of as my family! They have all helped me in so many ways. I'm really really going to miss Nishichu! 'Miss' is an's just too overwhelming to try and put into words what so many of these people have meant to me, that unfortunately, all I'm left with are these meaningless expressions like 'miss' or 'thank you' when really I want to say so much more! I just don't know how in these kinds of situations.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
3rd+ Year ALTs Say Good-bye
About a month ago, in very Japanese-style, most of the 3rd+ year ALT in Toyama gathered at the Nepalese restaurant for a sayonara-enkai! Of the many many ALTs that arrive in Toyama in August of 2004, this is all that's left, plus a few 4th year ALTs. We came from all corners of the ken and shared stories of packing, good-bye parties, post-JET plans and funny stories from our three years. Everyone has something exciting planned and it's fun to hear about where people are going and what people will be doing in a few short months. I wonder if we will ever cross paths again. Part of me knows that it isn't likely, but if we do, we will instantly have so much to talk about and will have three years of memories to reminisce and remember. Good luck everyone!
Ducks Farm

Take Care Hasegawa-sensei

She only started studying English recently, but she is light years ahead of my Japanese. Her primary method of study: movies, and especially any movies with Hayden Christenson. She loves Hollywood and she really LOVES Hayden. And I'm not exaggerating. Before her forced retirement due to cancer, she had pictures of him all over her desk. And she had a file of pictures that she used to rotate through in several picture frames on her desk. Note: in Japan teachers don't usually keep photos of anyone on their desk, so having a 20-something movie star's picture is a bit odd! And the other teachers all thought she was a bit odd. She does her own thing, she laughs out load, and she speaks her mind.
Since she started chemo again, I have visited her several times. She is still very very engergetic and full of life. She is fighting it all the way! Chemo hasn't toned her down at all. She is a tough lady! A few weekends ago, we met at a highway interchange to say good-bye. She presented me with two kimonos and an obi. We said our choked up 'see yous' and waved a teary good-bye from our cars.
I sincerely hope she beats her cancer and can escape her husband and come visit me in the US! She has never left Japan before! I miss our weekly conversations and laughing sessions!
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