Sumo's Biggest Fan & Me I got a picture with him in Nagoya too! He's at ALL the sumo tournaments! He usually sits directly in view of the TV camera. Look for'll see him!

Saturday was the big Sumo Tournament in Uozu, just two towns over, just 30 minutes away! I was psyched. Ever since I saw sumo in Nagoya this summer, I've been hooked. And if you read my might remember this post I have a few favorites, okay, I'll be honest, I have a crush on these three: Asashoryu (Mongolian), Hakuho (Mongolian), and Kotooshu (Bulgarian). All my favorites were there, all the big boys were there, and I was so excited! Seriously, rock stars, movie stars, TV starts, they don't excite me, but these sumo guys....they got me excited!
But I don't get excited about all of them. For example, this guy, Buyzan 武雄山...isn't my type!
This guy isn't my type either! He's one of the biggest I've seen. And he isn't even that good (i.e. he didn't make the official program)! Important rule of Sumo: Big DOES NOT equal good. Some of the best aren't all that big, relatively speaking of course.
Iwakiyama 岩木山 isn't my type either. But he was milling about and the nerdy glasses look did get me. I mean, look, we could almost be related! He is kinda cute!
But this man, Asashoryu, is my kinda guy!! Okay, I know, the picture sucks, but the most important part was that I was standing close enough to take it. And two seconds later as he walked by, I reached out and touched his right tricep. So smooth and so strong!! I was giddy! Unfortunately, Hakuho and Kotooshu were entering from the other side. So I got some pictures of them from a distance, but nothing blog worthy!
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スーホの白い馬 After sumo, Owen, Linea and I went to dinner in Toyama--Santoshi's, a great little Indian restaurant! I hadn't been there in months! After downing our chai we were off to our next Mongolian adventure, a puppet show based on a Mongolian folk tale accompanied by a musical ensemble from Mongolia. In brief, it was AMAZING! Mongolia just jumped to the top of my travel list (great music and cute sumo guys). The music was phenomenal. This wasn't just any random group. This group has played for the heads of many states all over the world. The singer is a national treasure. And one guy even did some throat singing! I had goose bumps! Unfortunately, we couldn't take any photos. But the puppet show was extraordinary too! And to top it off, a local English teacher, was one of the main puppeteers! I went home and tried to look up the group on the internet to buy their CD, but haven't been able to find anything. So....keep your eyes open....if you see anything by "The Mongolian State Morin Khuur Ensemble." BUY IT! BUY IT FOR ME, PLEASE!
And then today, I got up at an ungodly hour to go to the Toyama Masters Long Course Swim Meet....and now I'm exhausted and I'm going to bed.