Last Saturday my main JHS had its' culture day/school festival. This event happens once every three years and it is a two day event. But teachers and students have been planning these two days since May (5 months). The first day is just for the students. We had a famous science TV producer come and do a show with lots of cool experiments, including getting all the students to hold hands and send an electric shock through the crowd--causing lots of screaming and chaos! And then she threw 15 GIANT ballons into the crowd to play with! The afternoonwas much less exciting, it was full of student presentations in a hot dark gym and I promptly fell asleep with all the other teachers.
Day two was much more exciting, minus electric shocks and giant ballons. We did have lots of Halloween fun though! The International Room was converted into a Halloween game room. We had 6 activities/games: 1) Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin 2) Surprise Boxes full of Eyeballs & Chicken Hearts 3) Mask Making 4) A Costume Photo Corner 5) A Pumpkin Ping-Pong Ball Toss and 6) Guess "how much?" Candy is in the Candy Jar. Plus we had two boys walking around the school in costumes advertising the room and giving away stickers and candy to those who said, "Trick-r-Treat." There were 16 students assigned to volunteer in the room and they were each in charge of a game. It was pretty cute to see these kids take charge and become Halloween masters!
In addition to the Halloween room, the elective 9th grade English class did a play, "Peach Girl" an original play in English based on the Japanese story of "Peach Boy." I'll try to post photos and/or video in a different post.

Happy Halloween!!
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