Tomorrow is the last day of the September Grand Sumo Tournament. For those of you who can't watch it on TV, here is a link with live streaming video of the Big Boys
Or just visit the website to read up on Sumo!
And in case you're wondering, here are my favorite three:
Or just visit the website to read up on Sumo!
And in case you're wondering, here are my favorite three:

These are a few of the international boys. The Japanese ones just don't do it for me. Maybe I'm just inclined to like the boys that add a bit of diversity to the sport. But when I tell my Japanese friends that I like the Mongolians and the Bulgarian, they get a look of disgust on their face. They don't seem to like having "outsiders" participating in a pure Japanese sport, especially since the highest ranking is a foreigner.
With any luck I'll be able to see these boys in Uozu next month. I hope there are still tickets!
Hurray, Asashoryu just beat Hakuho in the final bout of the September basho. It was a great match. If you can find a replay on the internet, please watch it! It's amazing! I'm surprised they didn't call a rematch. And Kotooshu won his last bout against Chiotaikai who beat Asashoryu yesterday! It was an exciting last day!
My boys did well!
I can't wait for the next tournament!!!
The real tournament will be in Uozu? Why? Would this be the first time in Uozu?
Yeah, if they`re coming to Uozu, definately hook me up with a ticket!
Never seen fatboys fight before...wait, that was in my childhood....
We got tickets!!!!! But they are nosebleed. No chance of Asashoryu falling into my lap....too bad! But while I was in the office buying the tickets, I heard the staff talking about where they thought the boys were going to be staying. I heard someone mention Hakuho and the name of a certain nearby spa.....I might just sleep in the parking lot Friday night! Oh, I can't wait!!!!'s not the real tournament. It's just a day thing. Uozu gets them once every four years!
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