Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Toyama's "Who da best?" Bake-off

Toyama's best bakers will gather this weekend in Nyuzen for the year-end BAKE-OFF!
The bakers come from far and wide: Tonami, Toyama, & Niikawa. The judges are Niikawa's own culinary experts (names will be released after the event to ensure no pre-bake bribery).
The baked line-up is also top-secret!

Who are the bakers?

They've received marriage proposals, offers to be the private bakers for communist leaders and they each have a lifetime supply of free toothpicks for their refind skills in the kitchen. They've been baking since Regan was president. They first premiered together at Toyama's JET Fest, under less than perfect baking conditions. And this weekend, they make their second and final appearance together!

When each asked about their baking inspiration, they said:

"Sugar, it's a miracle drug. The chicks dig it."

"I'm in love with my oven mits. I'd wear them everyday but I can't open my staff room door with them on."

"D..d..d.ddddding! The sound of my timer sends chills down my spine. It's better than...."

WARNING: High caloric intake, gastro problems, and sugar-induced highs followed by low lows are a small price to pay for the delicacies that will be sampled this weekend.

Apologies in advance, tickets to this premier event have been sold out for months. Reserve now for next year!


Linea said...
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Linea said...

oops, typo.

I can hardly contain my excitement!