Friday, November 28, 2008


There are many things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving. The list is long and not comprehensive but includes:

A Dry Safe Place to Live: Due to Cyclone Nisha--the rain and all the flooding, I am thankful for a dry place to live. This morning after our power went out (8-6), we went to Hamsa's family's house to watch live coverage of the Mumbai terrorist attacks. I am thankful both for a loving warm family that has taken me in and thankful to be safe and sound on a day of tragic proportions in India.

A Financially Supported Fellowship: Considering the current economic crisis--loss of jobs, failing banks, high unemployment, etc. I am very thankful and feel very lucky to be a financially supported full-time volunteer this year. This is a luxury!

An Internationally and Globally Minded Family: I have wonderful family all over the world that I love and respect. They are truly an inspiration to me!

Wishing everyone at home a very Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We here in Thailand, are also very thankful for your safety & for all the communication possibilities!!!!