Thursday, March 29, 2007

Another 4,000 written, 24,000 to go!

Well, it's official. Paper #3 has been submitted; mistakes, typos, and all! Well, hopefully there aren't too many of those, but I'm sure I missed something. But I think it's my best paper yet! Let's see what 'the grader' thinks!

The good news: I'm officially on academic hiatus until January! I'll continue the MA course on campus. Being a distance student has been interesting and challenging, the best part--the people I've met! Thanks guys! I couldn't have made it this far without you!!

Now...time to clean the apartment and start packing!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Earthquake Shakes Toyama

A bit of excitement this morning...I was forced out of bed by an earthquake at 9:42 (yep, slept in!). It was the strongest one I've felt. The reports I've seen list the earthquake from 6.7-7.1 in magnitude! Actually, the only other earthquake we've had, I was in bed taking a nap during that one! Seems to be a pattern! This one lasted a good 10-15 seconds I think. It was a bit surprising because Toyama is claimed to be the 'safest' prefecture in Japan. It is protected by the Japanese Alps on one side and the Toyama Bay and Noto Peninsula on the other side. That being said, I think most of the damage was south of here and out on the peninsula because the epicenter was at sea. Just another reminder that earthquakes can happen anywhere at anytime!!

See a Map of the earthquake! And other USGS Details about the earthquake! I'm a nerd...this stuff is so interesting!

Side Note: I've been feeling mini-tremors for a few weeks and have been thinking about an earthquake. I recently added the USGS website to my 'favorites' list because I thought I was feeling little ones all the time. Everytime I checked...nothing! But today, I wasn't making it up!! Everyone felt it!

......and back to the paper. It's just days away from being finished and sent in.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Temporarily Suspended

Enough is enough! I gotta focus on the paper! I'll be back in April!


Thank you EVERYONE!

The last few months have been really hard. A friend of mine wisely reminded me that in December I had a nice long vacation at home and spent almost every waking minute with people I absolutely adore! I had lots of attention and I felt very loved by lots of people. And then I came back to Japan, back to my cold apartment, back to work, back to studying and back to being that friend or relative that lives on the other side of the world--far far far away! Out of sight, out of mind. Or that's how it felt! It was a bit shocking and I hit an all time low. I won't get into the details, but there was lots of random crying for no apparent reason. And a lot of self-pity!

An impending birthday didn't help! Actually it just made me fall into the hole even further. I thought I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but as the big day got worse and worse and worse! And then, thanks to lots of family and friends all over the got better!! On the big day, I got lots of calls from family and friends! I was surprised to hear from so many people because I never get calls and because these particular people have never called me. It turns out, it was the first international call many of them have EVER made! It was great to hear from them, even if it kept me running out of the staff room and into the storage room every 15 minutes. Thanks educated people and got them to make an international call! Hurray!!

After work, I had a dinner planned at a nearby restaurant! Luckily, my friends had a much better plan! In the end it wasn't a total suprise, but it was a good one! And much better than anything I could have thought of for myself!! Thanks guys and gals!! I'll keep the picture books that idea!!! It was great!! I really really appreciate all the thoughtfulness and planning that went into it!
And then I treated myself to a weekend in Tokyo with a few friends! It was a much needed escape from rurality! are a few pics from the latest adventures!
Hina Matsuri (girls day) Dinner with my teacher's family! It's not exactly international women's day, but it was close....dinner, cake, singing and dancing with three generations + me!

We finally got snow last week!! It was beautiful!! I needed it! I was craving snow and winter and a white snowy expanse! I finally got it!

My friends and neighbors are great!! They threw me a very sneaky surprise party. The perfect kind...a potluck at a friend's house! They know me too well!! It was delicious! Lots of chocolate and lots of wine! Thanks for planning L, I heard you behind the whole thing!!

And of course there was a cake made by Chica-chan!! Thanks!!

Next, I was off to Tokyo! My good friend, Shinji, took me to dinner at an African restuarant. We had fabulous African beer and enjoyed live African drumming!

Kanako, the guys, and I explored Yokohama and ate Thai food!! Delicious!!

Happy Birthday girls!!

A reminder of what's really important...yesterday I said good-bye to "Star wars" teacher. She taught her last day, there was no farewell, no goodbye speech, no announcement during the teachers meeting..she just packed up her desk and left at lunch. She checked in to the hostpital to start her chemo today. She'll be there for a few months. After that her future is unknown.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Final Finale Day #7 Tsugaike

Saturday March 3rd, 2007

My snowboarding season and career in Japan has come to an end. I don't know the next time I'll strap in or strap on. It's a sad day. I said my farewells to Nagano, the mountains and the ski hill. It's been (mostly) good to me! And to top it all off, I had an unforgettable last day!

Today's group was some third+ years and a few Japanese friends. My final day on the hill was full of fun, friends, food, and a few falls...well, watch the video that's posted in the side bar, and make sure the volume is on! That exlains it all. Here are a few pics! And now, I really should start that paper! EEK!

Another beautiful sunny day! Although the temp was well above freezing!

What? How did that happen?

A random (and very friendly) bear on the hill!

Tasty kebabobs after boarding! Oh my!

An automatic highway flag waiver! I'm gonna miss these guys!

(not on the ski hill, but part of the randomness of the day)