Monday, January 30, 2006

Wanted: Bumper Stickers

Anyone who knows me, knows I like bumper stickers of all shapes, sizes and statements. I like political ones (left only please), cute ones, feminist ones, big ones, little ones, colorful ones, silly ones, girlie ones, funny ones, serious ones, thoughtful ones, international ones, etc.! Every car I have driven has had just a few! Well, enough that even in a city the size of Portland (pop. about 1,000,000) I'm pretty sure my car was recognized around town!

But when I moved to Japan, I was hesitant to draw to much attention to my car, I wanted to check out the scene before making my move. Well, it's been 18 months. I don't know a single car in any of my school staff parking lots that have bumper stickers. There are only a handful in my apartment parking lot, and most of them belong to the other gaijin (foreigners). But it's time. I'm ready! I've started, but I need help from abroad!

Please send me bumper stickers!

Can you guess which car is mine? I'll give you a hint: it's lacking bumper stickers and it's the car parked gaijin style. I drive the stereotypically small Japanese K car. My Japanese co-workers on the other massive cars!


Anonymous said...

Hello from spain. Please visit my blog,

Anonymous said...

YIKES!!! Really a cute car, but I can't imagine the 3 of us in there! Maybe tie Dad to the top!