Friday, September 07, 2007

Remembering My Dear Aunt Mary

Yesterday my dear Aunt Mary passed away. She had been struggling with lukemia for a few months. She spent over a month in the hospital until everyone realized her time was limited. Thankfully, she was able to return home for her last day, precious time with family, close friends and her dog. I wish I could have been there to say 'good-bye' properly.

Several days ago, I was able to call the hospital and speak to her as the nurse held the phone up to her ear. I think my messages were heard, I sincerely hope so. I honestly didn't think when I said good-bye last January that it would be final. But that is always the lesson--we have to appreciate the time we have with loved ones.

She has been part of my extended Portland family as long as I can remember. She was at all our birthday parties, every holiday gathering and all our family get togethers. While not my aunt by traditional marriage or by blood, she was nonetheless my aunt. I'm embarrased to admit that it has only been in her final weeks that I called her my "Aunt Mary".

One of my favorite memories: My Aunts Mary & Deb took me on my first camping cousin and I loaded into the back of their station wagon, the backseat bench was piled high with blankets and open sleeping bags to ensure a more than comfortable ride. We felt like queens! The dogs were in the back along with the tent and all the other gear. We drove along the Clackamas River and found a lovely spot near the river bank. We swam, cooked over the fire and took the dogs for walks. I think it was the next summer that we went back again, and I requested the same camp spot because the first time was so memorable.

She always had questions for me about my travels and life, she always listened and gave advice and support! And she always told us crazy stories and brought laughs to every family gathering.

As my dad, the well-spoken family patriarch, so appropriately wrote:

Mary has been a big part of our family for over 25 years. She is loved as a sister, a friend, a partner, and a very dear aunt. She witnessed and fully participated in all our joys, sorrows, accomplishments, and disappointments. She regaled us with stories and always laughed at our jokes. She cheered us on and helped us when we stumbled. We knew that she was always fully there as a supportive caring member of the family. That energy, love, and life force will be remembered and missed.

She was always the life of a gathering and fully engaged, so stories must abound. Everyone must have a favorite pun of Mary's. She was full of "pun."

Steiner Cabin
Originally uploaded by Sistak

At Timberline
Originally uploaded by Sistak

Eating Christmas Dinner
Originally uploaded by Sistak

I don't have access to great photos with me as I travel...but these are some I took when I was home last winter.

As I walk around Lhasa--I remember her in each temple I pass--how much she would love to see the pictures, hear the stories and want to know about life on the other side of the world.

Mary, you are loved and missed! Please give a big hug to grandma & grandpa and max for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kirsten! It was a beautiful message for our Dear Aunt Mary! I can't even imagine a family gathering without her there. I know it can't be easy for you either being so far away. I'm sending you a big hug. Love you!