Pre-packing: I've started the packing process early. It is by far one of my least favorite activities in life. I'm notorious for being unable to pack. I usually need a team of friends and family to pack me up whether it's a weekend adventure or a safari to Africa...I can't manage alone. This time, I'm alone! Agh! So, I've started 3 months early. And this is what my apartment looks like. I have boxes for the UK, US, India, Flea Market, Recycle Shop and garbage! It's a logistical nightmare. Sara, where are you???

We loaded three cars full of STUFF! My little was loaded down to full capacity. I couldn't see out the back window and was almost sitting on my steering wheel. Luckily, the drive was short! It's amazing how much one can accumulate in a few years. We arrived at 8:30, the flea market was set to start at ten. But the early birds were already scoping out the scene and asking about prices! Thanks to Linea we had a great big tent and tarp to set out. And we filled our little space with clothes, snowboards, skis, pottery, clothes, gadgets, shoes, boots, an broken air-gun, a broken guitar, a broken coffee pot, a broken playstation, clothes, weights, a TV sattelite system, and more clothes.

We had a bin of 50Yen items. That was popular with people! And we dropped the price to 25Yen in the afternoon and started a free bin. We had a group of boys hovering over the free bin for about an hour. They were thrilled and loaded up a few bags!

And of course we were set up in style: the VW, music going, and two coolers of food, drinks, snacks, etc. It was a party! And of course, as the only foreigners at the flea market, we attracted a lot of attention--good for sales!

Johnny was on display a lot! He had lots of big items, but they were all broken! So he kept trying to show people that it wasn't really that broken! He was mildly successful! But Japanese people aren't really interested in broken old stuff.

Kylie: Here is your pottery
<-----Before and After----->
Sorry we couldn't sell more!
Overall it was a fabulous day. In part because it was spent with friends outside in the sun! And in part because we sold a lot of stuff and came home with lighter loads. But also because it made me realize that in three years, not only have we acquired a lot, but we've accomplished a lot too! Between the three of us, we knew many people that came by-students, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. And we were able to negotiate, sell stuff, and give stuff away in Japanese. It was one of those things that if someone told me I'd have a stall at a Japanese flea market three years ago, I would have cried from laughing at the ridiculous image. Just like if someone told me 5 years ago I'd be living in Japan, I would have balked at the idea. And 10 years ago if someone told me I'd be teaching overseas, I would have cringed at the thought. The journey is full of surprises and keeps me on my toes. Where will it take me next? And where will I be in 5 years? I can only imagine.