Sunday, July 09, 2006

4,000 written, 32,000 to go

Printed, packed and about to be posted. The first paper is done--two weeks early. I had to get it done, I have family coming this week and I'm leaving for vacation the week after. Let's see how the graders like it. Am I meant for grad school OR not?

On another note, this last week has been jam packed with events! Let's enjoying some photos:

Last weekend I went to 135's in Uozu for the Bento Boys CD Release Party! They even performed live. It was fantastic. And I got a front row dancing spot.

The little village of Funami is famous for its' Tanabata Festival decorations. They make them all out of recycled stuff-milk cartons, gum wrappers, etc. To start the festival there is a relay race. I was supposed to run on the PTA team, but had to cancel because of my knee! Bummer.

Later that night we went back to enjoy an hour long fireworks show, eat horrible festival food and chat it up with all our students!

Yesterday, Linea, JP and I took Bertie into the mountains and explored Toga. We found an AMAZING Tibetan-Nepalese Meditation Center. We were just in time to see them dance infront of a spectacular backdrop. They also have a restaurant and we HAD to eat lunch there. We had dahl bhat, tibetan bread, momos, and chai. Delicious!

We also spent a long time in the meditation halls experimenting with our cameras. The mandalas were amazing. The colors were brillant and the detail was mesmorizing. The floors were laquered which made for great reflections. We had so much fun playing with our cameras.

I had heard that this center exisited, but seeing it and just being there was wonderful. It was surreal to hear Indian/Nepalese music, see Tibetan Buddhist art, meet Nepalese people, and eat Nepalese food in the very rural mountains of Japan!

The worst part about visiting this just made me want to go back to Nepal all that much more. There were pictures and maps of the Annapurnas! Oh, man! I want to go so bad it hurts. Someday! Someday very soon, I hope!

We supplemented our Nepal adventure with a hike! Stupid blogger won't upload those right now. Maybe later!


Linea said...

Togo on Saturday was one of my best days in Japan.

Anytime Sista, just say the word.

Linea said...

That's Toga....not Togo...I hate Monday mornings....

Kirsten said...

Wow!! Really, one of your best days??? I'm glad I was part of it! It was awesome. I'd go back to the meditation center anytime. And maybe we can camp! And hike again! And swim in the river. And eat lots of Nepalese food!