The journey starts on October 31st! Just hours after I lost my entire blog, I had to confront this group of hooligans! I was their trick-r-treat leader!

The last few months, I have been hiding out in my apartment "studying" or pretending to anyway! But now that the test is over, I can be a social again!
I did leave my apartment a few times! I ran the 5k Senjouchi Marathon in Nyuzen! It was freezing and my hip was killing me. But I got a free t-shirt! Probably the end of my running career!
3-4 nights a week, I teach extra English classes! I have two adult classes and three elementary school children! It's fun to interact with people outside of school, but a little draining at times!
Okay, Okay, so I haven't exactly locked myself in my apartment! I do go out! I have been social this month! This was a night out in Nyuzen...who knew there were bars in my tiny little town!
Takoyaki, ehh?? How does octopus cooked inside pancake batter balls sound?? It's delicious! Okay, well, actually, I prefer chocolate or cheese in my batter balls! But the octopus wasn't bad!
John, Amy and I were invited to a very special 4 hour tea ceremony. We watched as a very special tea container was opened for the first time since it was purchased. We viewed many many tea containers, special bowls, vases, etc. And we enjoyed both thick and thin tea! Plus an interesting meal of Japanese delicacies and several sweets!
The Nyuzen Christmas Party was just as crazy as last year! The Power Rangers did a little dance and Hard Gay pulled a genki drink out of his pants and gave it to the Mayor! The highlight: I won the grand prize--one night at The New Otani Hotel in Unazuki for 2!
In fact, here is a picture of the onsen at the fancy hotel I get to stay at for free! How did I get a picture of the women's onsen?? Hmm?!? Some things are just better left untold, especially on a family blog like this! (but there are more pictures)
Christmast at Colare was SPECIAL this year. Niikawa's own, The Bad Santas, showed up and performed some magical numbers! And my two favorite girls were there! They are the CUTEST kids in Kurobe!!
Linea, John and I hosted a dinner at my apartment with the Superintendent, our Japanese Mother, our Supervisor and friend. It was a delicious meal: lasagna, salad, bread, pumpkin, asparagus, and pumpkin cheese cake for dessert! Yummmy!!
Next time you are at Sakura Sweets, I recommend ordering "The Kirsten," "The Linea," or "The Kanako." Yes, the cutest bartender ever, Daisuke, made us our own drinks! Now we need to get them on the menu!!
This week I was invited to Linea's English Conversation Class
Christmas Party. This was exciting for several reasons: lots of good food and too much good dessert. But really the best part was being served an icicle! I kid you not! Yes, it was broken into pieces and put in a glass bowel and passed around the table for everyone to suck on. This icicle was harvested from a cave in the mountains near the fancy hotel I'll be staying at soon! We ate/sucked on illegal icicle! And we drank coffee made from a glass bowel that looked like we should be making some illegal!
The snow started this week! My students have internal heaters and can run around in the snow for hours! I on the other hand, prefer to stay indoor unless I'm on a snowboard.....and I hope to be very very very soon!
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