Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Giant OCR 3

Call me a copy cat, call me a follower, call me whatever you want...but I bought a new bike! And I can't wait to start riding it. The goal=to be a bike commuter! For the last two years I've driven to my schools. And really, it's ridiculous! They aren't that far! So, unless it's raining or there is snow on the ground, I'm gonna bike! Yippee!

But what's even more ridiculous is now I have 4 modes of transportation! I have one car, two bikes and a scooter. I'm looking to GIVE AWAY the scooter. So if anyones wants it...hollar! The other bike is a granny bike and serves it's granny purposes! And well, when you live in the rice paddies, a car comes in handy! But I'm gonna try to become less dependent on it!

Amy, you're my inspiration! Linea, please don't kick my butt!!

Okay, it's hard to see the bike. But it's on the top of Bertie. We strapped it down and drove it home. It's next adventure: a ferry to Hokkaido!! Let's GO!!!

If you wanna read about my bike/swim updates, visit my workout blog: Madduck

The places they've been... (Part III)

They are at home resting and recovering from their busy whirlwind trip through Japan and Korea! Here are a few more photos of their adventures in Sokcho, Korea!

Enjoying the fresh fish in the sashimi market

A traditional Korean lunch! Lots of fish and kimchee! Yummy!

Walking around the lake!

Teaching class with Kels! This is her young class!

Rice Report

Saturday May 27th, 2006

As I was down on the ground snapping photos, the farmer, my former semi-supervisor, rode up on his bicycle. He was very curious about my curiosity! And had a good laugh that I think rice is so interesting!

Saturday May 20th, 2006

Here is the first of hopefully several rice reports. I have rice paddies 30 feet from my front door. For those of you who don't see rice on a daily basis, maybe you're curious just what it looks like from start to finish!?!

These rice seedlings were planted 2-3 weeks ago.
Let's Watch the Rice Grow!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The places they've been... (Part II)

It was a very busy 10 days!! From their arrival in Narita, Japan to our farewell in Yangyang, Korea--we did and saw a lot!! And they maintained a great attitude and tried lots of new things--including natto!! Since arriving in Japan, they have taken approximately 22 trains, 2 ferries, 1 leisure boat, an 8 hour bus, several taxis and they have done lots of walking!

I just hope they have enough energy to make it through the next 7 days in Korea! Gambatte!

Thanks for visiting!!!

They traveled by JR Rail Pass--local trains, express trains, and the shinkansen!

On one of the trains we met JHS students (from Himi) going to Kyoto and Osaka. They had an English assignment to interview foreigners! So they chatted us up!

Dinner in Hiroshima! We ate the famous yakisoba-okonomiyaki!

We spent a morning on Miyajima island and visited the temples and feed the deer!

On Miyajima they ate a famous Hiroshima oyster! No thank you!

On the kimchee ferry! We left Shimonoseki, Japan at 7pm and arrived in Pusan, Korea at 5am. Unfortunately, we couldn't disembark until 8:30am!

Happy Birthday Dad! Let's enjoy eating kimchee!

The 4 of us! Together again (for 20 hours) after 17 months!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The places they've been...

Asakusa Temple in Tokyo with the Chimura Family

Kurobe Gorge in Toyama

Picnic in Unazuki

Nishi Nyuzen Junior High School

Advanced English Class

Tea Ceremony with Chica in Nyuzen

Visiting an elementary school!

Tulips in Nyuzen

Adult Conversation Class